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피파산, Fifa mountain

by 그린에서아침을 2017. 1. 7.

사우디 홍해 남단에 위치한 예멘과 맞닿은 Jizan 지역에는 Fifa Mountain 있다. 우연히 구글맵을 검색하다가 알게 되었는데, 현장 숙소에서 한시간 반에서 두시간 정도 떨어진 곳에 위치한 곳으로 Fayfa 혹은 Fayfa Mt.로도 알려져 있고, 해수면에서 11,000 피트, 3,347미터 높이의 산이며 아라비아 반도의 홍해 쪽으로 가로지르는 Al-Sarawat 산맥의 일부라고 한다. 피파산은 ‘Neighbor of the Moon’, ‘Heavens of the Earth’, and ‘Magical Fifa’ 닉네임도 있다고 한다. 자세한 내용은 아래 내용을 읽어 보면 된다.

어쨌던 가파롭고 비좁은 길을 힘들게 차로 올라 가면 아름다운 풍경이 펼쳐진다. 가장 놀라운 것은 산의 많은 부분이 축대를 쌓듯이 돌로서 계단형 밭을 만들어 놓은 것이다. 얼마나 오랫동안 만들었을까? 참으로 궁금하고 신기하기 그지없다. 이렇게 높은 산에 이렇게 많은 집들이 있는 것일까? 궁금하기만 하다.

같이 동료들과 호흡을 맞추기 위해서, 사진 찍기 좋은 포인트를 잡지도 못했고, 여유를 가지고 둘러 보는 시간을 만끽하지 못했다. 한국 사람들의 성급하고 조급함다음을 기약하며, 차를 돌려야 했다. 

유튜브도 있다.





Visit the Heavens of the Earth, Saudi Arabia’s picturesque Fifa Mountains

Located in the southernmost region of Jizan close to Saudi Arabia’s border with Yemen, the little known Fifa Mountains attracts over a million tourists, mostly from the kingdom itself. Fifa Mountains (also known as Fayfa or Faifa Mountains) is nearly 11,000 feet above sea level and is part of the Al-Sarawat mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The mountains are also the highest peak in Jizan.

Fifa Mountains has several nicknames, including ‘Neighbor of the Moon’, ‘Heavens of the Earth’, and ‘Magical Fifa’. This mountainous region is known to charm tourists with its stunning landscape and fertile, green flora, a far cry from the vast barren deserts the rest of Saudi Arabia is. This region is one of the most beautiful and fertile places in the whole of Saudi Arabia.

The mountains have mesmerized travelers and photographers with its dreamy, fog-enveloped mountain tops and terraced landscaping. The terraced hills peppered with houses are a sight you cannot take your eyes off, a real bounty for photography enthusiasts.

Besides the scenic views, Fifa Mountains also offers its visitors a view of ancient fortresses and structures that were constructed to protect the area from invaders.

The terrain here is so rugged that people struggle to move around, especially on narrow paths are that commonly seen here. The residents took on the transportation challenge quite creatively; they crafted hand-made carriages that can be used on high cable lines. The residents of Fifa use the cable system to transport commodities and also to quickly move sick people to health centers.

Sightseeing at Fifa Mountains

Some of the must-visit spots in this area are Valley of Qa’a, Karthah, Thwayei Mountain, Hakamy Mountain, and peak of Al Abseyah.

The Valley of Qa’a is situated 30 kilometers south of Fifa and enjoys a green cover throughout the year owing to the rich soil and abundant water that is available most of the year. You can also see many rock formations here.

Overlooking the valley of Damad and the Fifa area is the Karthah mountain top. To see the lush vegetation in this spot, you need to go a kilometer south of Fifa via an untarred path.

The Thwayei Mountain is one of the mountains of the Fifa region. It is quite steep and treats your eyes to the beautiful Valley of Jarrah.

The Hakamy mountaintop, which lies a kilometer south of central Fifa, overlooks terraced plantations down the mountain and the Valley of Jooh.

The highest accessible peak of the Fifa Mountains is Al Abseyah.



사우디 홍해 쪽으로는 원숭이가 많다. 주위 산을 아무리 쳐다봐도 먹을 것도 없는데, 어떻게 생존하는지 신기하기만 하다. 옛 고전에 보면 우리나라에도 원숭이가 살았다고 하던데....



하산하고 만디를 먹었다. 난 별로였는데 동행자들은 맛도 좋고, 깨끗하다고 한다.


오는 길 가에서 사 먹었는데 그냥 녹말가루 맛이었다. 그래도 사 줘야지....!!! 

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